Thursday 13 January 2011

Snow has Gone

Happy New Year everybody.

The snow has now gone from our village and things are settling down to normal. At least, I hope they are: there is plenty of winter to go. The last few days it has just been rain. At least we can get out in that without worrying about slipping every step.

I thought I would use this picture as my - belated - Christmas picture and another illustration of how cold it was. It was so cold even our smowman didn't want to go outside in it. Yes, the humans have an illuminated artificial snowman and up to now he as stood outside the front door over Christmas to welcome guests. This Christmas he stayed indoors - in the dining room so he could watch the humans have Christmas dinner.

No, I wasn't upset that I wasn't invited to sit with the humans for Christmas dinner. Toys don't eat and I didn't want to risk those clumsy animals spilling food and drink on my fur. Of course, I got a few extra cuddles.

With the New Year, the humans are saying lots of things about doing more things they want to do this year - like helping me with my Blog. Well, we'll see.


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