Let me explain. It's an important story for my human, Andrew.
Andrew has been waiting to hear about an operation to repair an enlarged blood vessel in his left arm. It doesn't look very nice (no picture, you'll be pleased to hear) but it also means too much blood is getting back to his heart too easily and putting strain on it. There's been a long story about arranging the operation and we have arranged two trips to London already only to hear at the last minute that the operation was cancelled. So now we are all hoping it will be on Monday. We will have to go to London for a few days. Also, we think that immediately afterwards Andrew will have to keep his left arm raised and not be able to use it for much. This is inconvenient. He has been practicing things like shaving with one hand and Mikki has been gearing herself up for having to cut up food for him. Most important, of course, is that he will have only one arm available to cuddle me.
The humans have been saying that the simplest thing is not to take me to London at all. I will be left with the bed to myself (see top photo), which is nice in one way but really very worrying for a toy who is used to being with his humans. They may have something of a point when they say Andrew may bleed a little after the operation and they don't want marks or stains on me - but I'm not convinced. I could sit near him for the first night or two.
Well, we've been talking about it as the day approaches. We're off to London tomorrow with an overnight stay in a hotel so Andrew can be at the hospital by 7.00am. And I've finally convinced them they need me with them. There was no serious doubt really, was there (see lower photo)?
It's what your right arm's for, Andrew.
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