Mikki has started to feel WDW withdrawal symptoms! Yes, we have a cruise this summer, but she needs her Florida fix too. The humans prefer to go when it is not too hot and not too busy (when it can also be cheaper in DVC points). January can be a good time so Mikki started thinking about January 2012. For many years, this would have meant that she made the most of her 11 month priority and we would have the accommodatiohn at Old Key West booked by now. Mikki used to do this before bookings for flights became available but was pretty confident she could change the accommodation dates if necessary.
This year, it's quite different. "11 months out" has come and gone and there has been no call to Member Services. Flights are, however, booked. We have some thoughts about where we would like to be - but Old Key West has struck itself off the list.
I'll hope to find a picture of where we are going when we know but so far I can only offer this one of happier times at Old Key West (notice there was carpet). That's me with my travelling companions of Floppy cat and Travelling Beanie and a couple of friends who came back with us. They have lived in Mikki's study since then.
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