Saturday, 31 December 2011
Christmas Presents
Apparently this was made to commemorate 25 years of the Disney Store. I must admit it is quite striking. It has something of the idea of a trophy or award to it. I think Andrew may put it on his desk in his study so he can pretend it was something he was presented with. Don't worry, Andrew, until they give awards for weirdness, you are quite safe.
Oh. I have a few comments of my own before anyone asks.
1. Tinker Bell is not running away from me. Nor, sadly, is she turning round to stroke me. She is an ornament. It's just how the photographer chose to place her.
2. Mikki insists Andrrew would get every award for "best husband" she could give.
3. Did I tell you my humans were nos. 11 and 12 through the door of the first Disney Store to open in London? Yes, they've been weird for a long time.
Back to business and to wish everyone a happy, lucky and successful 2012. I'm looking forward to a lot of new pictures with characters starting in just a few days time.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Merry Christmas: Ho, Ho, Ho.
So Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays from me and my humans. I hope Santa brings us all what we have asked for and we all have a happy and prosperous time in 2012.
Figaro the Toy Cat.
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
We Are Not Alone: and Christmas Wishes
Warm welcome to Brian who has started following me (and to Ellen and Brian who are following my picture on Andrew's tweets). Hope they forgive me, however, if I reserve my most special Prrrrrr for Buttons the toy rabbit. He also has a Blog on Blogger. A Rabbit's Ramblings. Meet him at:
Buttons is my first real toy friend in this wonderful world of the internet and social networking. It is taking my humans (OK, I mean Andrew) quite a lot to get used to and I am way behind the times.
Still, it would be very nice to hear from any other cuddly or chatty toys out there who would like to join us. Felines of all sorts welcome but so too are all bears, sheep, hamsters, mice, horses, etc - even d*gs. You don't have to be Disney. Buttons isn't.
Meanwhile, here is my picture of Figaro's Christmas stocking - which we saw as part of a display of Geppetto's workshop in the Contemporary Resort in 2009. See that! The humans have put me where it looks like I'm a puppet and Geppetto is controlling me. The things we stars have to put up with. They've also got too much flash in my face. Sometimes stars even have to work with amateurs - and it does make me look very clean and white.
What would I tell Santa I would like in the stocking? I was just looking forward to a few more cuddles but a new friend has been a lovely early bonus. Happy Christmas, Buttons.
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Life's Tough When You're a Star
The humans went out last night (Friday) and joined friends and neighbours in a large party for Christmas dinner in our local restaurant. There was lots of good food and joking (I am told) - and Christmas crackers to pull. Well, my Mikki pulled hers and took out the paper party hat - but found it had been glued in the wrong place and was tiny (with a long tail). She immediatly announced it was my size - and that she would prove it with a photo on the web. Soon another human found an eye patch as the novelty in their cracker. Mikki said I would like that too. So here I am: on my Blog and another photo on Twitter, @andrew1987Young. I think it is the very first picture Andrew has put up there.
It all seems rather humiliating in some ways. Not only do they dress me up like this but put me up on the mantelpiece next to mere ornaments. And they're ornamants of mice and a pixie! There's a nice Armani statue of a really cute kitten on the end of the mantelpiece but they're not showing that. They've even put a Christmas card in front of it! Meeeoow.
It's taking a lot of work for me to remain calm and dignified. After all, Figaro is not just any Disney character: he is a star. He has short films of his own - and his own little song to accompany them. I know people like to see me and, like a true star, I must keep the fans happy. Besides, the least I can say is that the humans were thinking about me when they were out last night.
And the hat's actually a bit big - but we stars sometimes have to cope with ill-fitting costumes, don't we?
I think I deserve a cuddle now.
Friday, 16 December 2011
Preparations Continue
Mikki has been playing Christmas music in the car for a few days now but she hasn't yet completed one "tradition" of making a fresh compilation. She has been waiting for the "Military Wives" CD. It is due to be released on Monday but Amazon have just sent an "e-mail" to say it has been dispatched (so we expect it tomorrow). That'll be that job done.
For the holiday (by which I mean vacation, not Christsmas!) Mikki is downloading the latest US maps for her SatNav (GPS). She did a great deal when she bought it in the USA: free US map upgrades for life. Now we just have to keep visiting to use them.
For my picture, I've chosen another of those small discreetly decorated trees that you find all over WDW :). Seriously, they do work hard and do a great job. This one was at the Grand Floridian Resort. DVC have just sent Andrew an e-mail saying they are going to build villas there. "Knew that" said Mikki. Perhaps we will have somewhere new to go to in a few years time.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
December in Florida
This is at our "Home" DVC resort of Old Key West. Of course, when my humans joined it was just "The Disney Vacation Club". And there was a sales centre ("The Commodore House") where the building behind me to the right of the picture is. My humans remember looking out at that fountain while going through the papers and talking about buying. They say that in those days it was the softest sell in the world. All that was a long time ago: 1992! That's so long ago that it was before I had even gone to live with my humans.
The picture is a lot more recent. Since then, Disney has carried out a major refurbishment of the interior - which has quite spoilt it for us. We will not be staying at Old Key West during our January visit. But outside, it still looks idyllic.
Yes, yes. It's sunny in the picture but how warm was it really? I can't remember: I'm only a toy cat. So it probably wasn't as warm as in the summer. It still makes you wish you were there, though. Doesn't it?
Now I wish for a little cuddle, please.
Monday, 12 December 2011
Places Friends can Take You
One December visit a friend was able to do something special for us. He worked for GM, the sponsors of Test Track, and he was able to get a group of us into the VIP lounge there. You can probably see Mission Space on this picture but the most spectacular thing is the cars wizzing past just below the window. I was content to have my picture with the Christmas Tree. Andrew is holding me nicely and Mikki says I look really good (I always do, don't I).
We are looking forward to seeing some friends in January. Mikki is hoping to see lots more in October.
When I look through my pictures I see lots with friends from Disney. there are a lot of nice people out there! I have had lots of nice cuddles.
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Christmas on Main Street, USA
It's also a lovely reminder that even at this time of year it can be nice and warm in Florida - well, warmer than here anyway. The sun was shining today when my humans went round the village delivering the village newsletter and some Christmas cards. I went in the car to supervise and keep them company but didn't get out. It was jolly cold. There was quite a lot of slippery ice on the paths. Fortunately, the humans only found this with the soles of their shoes!
Back home now for a nice warming cuddle.
Brrr, Brrr, Prrrrr.
Friday, 9 December 2011
At home, the humans have erected our artificial snowman in the living room. This year, he is on a little table so he can be seen from outside. We're jolly glad we didn't put him outside, although he is supposed to be for indoor or outdoor use. The wind yesterday was very strong. He would have been at serious risk of getting damaged or blown away. The neighbours had a gate broken and the whole village had the power out for a couple of hours (the power company said it would be 9, so I suppose we should compliment them).
Today, it's calmer but colder. Toy cats don't need to go outside.
You can see me with our snowman in my first Post of January this year.
The snowman at the top was set up for a "Merry Mixer" party for members of the Disney Vacation Club. It's only fair that you get to see some of the other "folks" we got to merrily mix with. Donald and Daisy Duck came along. Daisy is giving me a nice little tickle. Yes, that's right. Now up a bit. Good.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
This picture was taken during our last "January" visit to Wald Disney World. Here I am on the balcony of our room at Kidani. Just look at the giraffes behind me and imagine the baking African savannah.
OK, central Florida in January is not quite "baking". My humans were wearing jackets a lot of the time. I did say, "imagine", and if you're not wiling to free up your imagination you probably won't make the most of Disney World.
I am pretty sure I can look forward to it being warmer than here. We will be spending part of the time at Kidani again, so I can also look forward to some new pictures of me watching the animals. And, I am looking forward to lots of cuddles. Of course, I don't have to go to Florida for them - or wait until January.
That's it. Prrrrrr.
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Internet Serious Stuff
You may like to check out these sites yourself to make sure you want to sign up to their ideas, get on their e-mail lists etc. Figaro's Diary accepts no responsibility . . . . . . etc.
Christmas Hamper
I'm a toy cat: I don't eat. But I think all this looks jolly yummy for humans. Biscuits, two types of tea and one of coffee; wine mulling spices and lots more. It's a super Christmas gift from Mikki's sister, Julie, and her family in Bermuda. Thank you, lovely people. I think my humans plan to keep some of the items for themselves at home and to take some to share with Andrew's family who we are joining for Christmas.
Less than a day later (and it's raining outside again) but the humans are already planning what they will do with the empty basket - which has "F & M" clearly printed on the lid. If the UK gets any summer next year, there could be picnics on their own decking by the river.
Come along now. If you are going to spoil yourselves with all these treats, the least you can do is give me a little cuddle.
Monday, 5 December 2011
Christmas Warmth
Outside here, now, it is raining. Higher ground in England - including Andrew's brother's house - have had snow overnight. Crisp fresh snow can look very pretty but driving through snow isn't part of the fun of being with family (my driver, Mikki, says).
I quite like the idea of a nice warm Christmas. I think we might have to go even further south than central Florida to guarantee Christmas on a real, outdoor, beach (and I don't really like real sand in my fur). Truth is that it doesn't matter that much as long as we're all together, and I'm getting lots of cuddles.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
One Month to Go
The picture was taken on our last trip out in October 2010. We were Upper Class on Virgin Atlantic. Sadly, this is not how we will be travelling this time - but a toy can reminisce and dream can't he?
We all loved it. We started with breakfast, massage and mimosas in the Upper Class lounge at Gatwick. Onboard, the food was lovely and the humans could lie down and sleep while we toys could chat with the friendly cabin crew at the bar.
The flight was the result of the humans using a Virgin credit card and accumulating quite a large number of reward points. I don't think it will be happening again soon (and Virgin are cutting back on Upper Class anyway).
On another subject, thank you, Ellen, for thinking of me and sending my Mikki the cartoon of the Dalek with a cat. My humans have two radio controlled toy Daleks they were given one Christmas. All they seem to want to do is exterminate each other. Petting is OK but I prefer proper cuddles - and from proper humans. Yes, you two, that means you.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Christmas Preparations Continue
There are some nice soft toys/beanies that are all dressed up in Christmas costumes and have to spend most of the year in st***ge. It's nice to see them out, even if they are all mice (and one d*g).
Andrew has now set up the snowman (see "Snow has Gone" in January). He is staying indoors this year. Too warm outside!
Meanwhile I have been comforting the humans with cuddles as they both started crying. They were watching the new video of the Military Wives Choir. Look at:
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Lights of Winter
It's of the "Lights of Winter" the lovely light and music show at Epcot that has now been retired. It is quite difficult to get a good picture of the show so my human Mikki was very happy to find a good one in the middle of her new book from "Celebrations" magazine. This picture was taken a few years ago. It's the best of my humans' I could find, but I can't help thinking there's something missing.
Meanwhile, preparations for trips to WDW continue. Mikki is now looking at a second visit - in October. That is so she can be there for the 15th anniversary celebratons of "Intercot", the web discussion board where she is a moderator. It's about 11 months away so Mikki has started thinking about things like flights and booking DVC accommodation.
Yes, there is something missing from the picture. But it is quite difficult to get a good close up of a toy kitten and have the light display in focus too. I'll forgive them for now - provided I get a cuddle.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Christmas Memories
There are lots of large model displays among Disney's Christmas decorations. This one, of a funfair, was in the Boardwalk Villas: incidentally, just about the only DVC location on property where we have not stayed.
And talking of things coming in the mail, Andrew's temporary disabled person's parking permit also arrived yesterday. That's just a week since Mikki spoke to the Osceola County office about it. She was impressed that they could immediately call up all Andrew's details from our visit in 2010 and sent it off as soon as they had the credit card payment. I am told this may not be typical of every US local government office but it is certanly not typical of the UK public serrvice (who are mostly on strike today).
I think I'd like a cuddle for Christmas. How about a practice?
Monday, 28 November 2011
Christmas Past
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Nearly 19
Oh Chdristmas Tree
Here I am in the Villas (the DVC bit) at Wilderness Lodge. We like Wilderness Lodge any time (I think Andrew just likes places that are a bit darker) but the theming really fits with Christmas. When we have been there, it has almost always been very quiet and peaceful in these lounge areas downstairs at the Villas.
Today, it's beautifully sunny here in Lincolnshire: dry but windy and cold. I went out in the car with the humans while they were delivering something round the village for a friend. I like car rides so I can get cuddles from Andrew (Mikki is driving!). We came home and Mikki put on "Disney Cinemagique": Toy Story 3. I think it was towards the end but I don't know because Andrew turned my face away from the TV, covered my ears and gave me a lot of nice strokes. Later, it's "Tangled".
Oh, I found the recipe for the gingerbread house in my last post: 820 lbs of sugar; 135 lbs of butter; 1040 eggs; 150 lbs of chocolate chips; 470 lbs of flour; 2 lbs of baking soda. Bake in a very large oven (I could have guessed that bit).
I still think it's just as well toys don't eat. We don't need to go out and get exercise either.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Christmas Coming: The American Adventure
Here I am in front of the gingerbread house in "The American Adventure" in Epcot. Its so big I guess you could really live in it (or, as happened, sell cakes and gingerbread from it). It did look rather edible but I suspect it wasn't really. And how would I know: I'm a toy cat. They have several sort of edible creations around WDW at Christmas time and these houses are about the simplest. I look good in pictures with all of them.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Happy Thanksgiving, U.S.A.
My humans learned more of the real traditions of Thanksgiving the year they decided to visit Wal-Mart the next day. Gosh, that was an experience!
Meanwhile, Mikki has continued preparations for our trip to WDW. Yesterday, she filled in the ESTA forms and got approval for the humans to enter the USA. Lucky for her they didn't ask difficult questions - like "Do you like Pumpkin Pie?".
Happy Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Duffy had a little pavilion of his own near the entrance to World Showcase. I think the idea was that he could tour the whole world without leaving Epcot!
Duffy was very nice and held me just right for the photo. The other great thing about Duffy (if I have got things right) is that he started off as a toy before he was a park character. That gave me an idea. If the Disney guys are still feeling reluctant about making a park character of Figaro the cat in Pinocchio (aka Minnie Mouse's cat), they can again model their character on a toy. I am ready and willing - and will be over there in January.
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Lake District Party
The party is good fun with a lot of nice people (even if one or two of them made jokes about someone called "Postman Pat" when they saw me!). There are two big fancy dress evening parties and this year one of them was to the theme, "Toy Shop". Disney characters were allowed so a lot of people thought they could guess who Mikki would come as. She didn't because she had been Mickey Mouse last year for a "Hollywood" theme. She was a "Spacehopper".
As you can see, I was much more interested in who Andrew came as. He cleverly combined Disney Character with Toy by going not just as Figaro but as Toy Figaro: i.e. me. I went with him.
Doesn't he look cute? Come on give us both a cuddle.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Party Pictures
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Hallowe'en on the Way
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Treasures from Warwick Event
The humans were pleased to have them. Mikki has some others but Disney do not seem to make or licence them these days. The particular ones came from Conventions in the late 1990s.
I really don't know why they get so excited. These are only ornaments - not toys. And there is not even a cat of any sort in any of them. Well, if it keeps the humans happy . ..
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Disney Dave's Fall Event
During the day, they had a few presentations and films as well as a raffle, auction and lots of time to drool over (or buy) the latest pieces. No Figaros, though. They had artwork of Pinocchio, Geppetto, and even the insect - but no Figaro (Meow)!
In the eveing the humans all went off to a restaurant to eat and enjoy themselves.
Here I am playing on an inflatable Mickey Mouse outside the meeting room. It's a good picture of my human, Andrew too, don't you think?
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Golden Dumbo
The picture was taken during our visit to California in 2005 - the golden anniversary of Disneyland park. For that year, they put gold coloured ride vehicles next to each of the attractions that was there on opening day. Here we are on Dumbo.
Neither Andrew nor I are too sure about the picture and it may not stay. Andrew fusses about it having a complicated background (the Dumbo ride). He prefers pictures with plain backgrounds so that the icons on his desktop show up well. I am more concerned at all the other cats in the picture. Sometimes, I like having little Travelling Beanie with us because he does the dangerous stunt pictures. If we had used the moving ride to do the picture on Dumbo's ear, then I might have offered it to him. Well, at least we all look like we're enjoying ourselves.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Hard At Work
Well, for those people who want to know how I do all the typing, here it is. Sometimes I also dictate to one of the humans. When I do that, I always get the other one (Mikki) to check for spelling and other typing mistakes.
Back to more interesting subjects soon (I hope).
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Warning: Human has New Computer
One of the good points is that this company does not load up lots of software you don't want - so the processor works on things you want and the desktop is not cluttered with lots of silly icons. That leaves plenty of room for a nice background picture (or twenty) - which will lead me eventually to explaining today's photo.
The problem - as you probably guessed - is that a new PC means getting to grips with Windows 7. Andrew has poor eyesight and remembers how much time and effort it took him to get XP to produce a screen he could use. At least that experience prepared him to find the Windows 7 high contrast colour schemes approved by Microsoft would not suit him. He had not been prepared for Microsoft changing the features of the "Magnifier" so that it will no longer work the way he liked. Mikki even went onto a Microsoft help forum to ask a question. Eventually, someone from Microsoft replied acknowledging Windows 7 can't do what Andrew was used to, suggested we buy third party software, and helpfully added a total disclaimer of liability!
Meanwhile, Andrew has had some fun with setting up pictures to run in sequence on his Desktop. I am pleased that I was able to help with some suggestions. Here is one of the pictures he put up.
We were visiting Andrew's family in Yorkshire when this was taken. We had a trip out to a place called Fountains Abbey. These are the largest abbey ruins in England and a World Heritage Site. This shot was taken in the associated water gardens known as Studley Royal. They were built in the georgian period and include lots of lovely statues, mock classical temples and so on.
Yes, you can see the Humans made me stand in the dirt for this picture. This was a few years ago. I don't think I would allow that now.
I can think of other nice pictures Andrew could put on his computer. Perhaps I will share them with you too.
Meanwhile Andrew, take it steady and we will work things out for you. Calm down. Relax. Give your toy kitten a cuddle. Prrrrrr
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Bye Bye Magic
They were, of course, both delighted to see me. I am sure Minnie recognised me immediately. She gave me a nice cuddle.
We spent one more day in Barcelona before flying home. England in September is rather cooler than the Mediterranean in August but I don't mind really (I stay on the bed most of the time). Mikki is already looking forward to her next trip to Walt Disney World - in January. She has been making dining reservations.
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Still At Sea
We had a very nice lady looking after our cabin. She was very helpful with things like getting the humans glasses for their wine. She was eagle-eyed to see us leave and tidy up the room as soon as she could. She also left lots of lovely animals made out of the towels. The humans took some photos of some of them but I'm not in them.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
At Sea with the Pirates

The other picture was taken the same day near the shops.

Monday, 5 September 2011
Somewhere in Italy

Thursday, 1 September 2011
Food on the Cruise

For dinners, my humans shared a table with three nice couples from the USA. Over the week, they all learned the trick of taking a glass of wine in with you to avoid paying Disney prices. One even managed to fit a whole bottle of wine into two glasses!
The humans had a man as their server and a nice hard working lady assistant with a cute french sounding name. The server took the orders each evening. At the end of the cruise, my humans adjusted the recommended gratuities to reflect who they thought had done the work. The assistant got more than the server. Andrew wondered how many of the serving teams had the man as the "boss" and a woman assistant. Mikki looked around and thought there were quite a lot. I wonder how many people have been on cruises where they had females in charge and male assistants.
Getting a good cup of coffee was difficult. The first day, the humans got room service to deliver early morning coffee and orange juice. The coffee tasted like it had been on the stove all night! The orange juice was poorly mixed concentrate. For the rest of the cruise, the coffee was just very weak. The orange stayed the same.
Here I am outside Cove Cafe. Andrew had one cup of coffee he liked here but somehow it was never the same when he asked again. Wasn't he glad to get ashore in Italy! I was happy relaxing with him anywhere.
Seriously, all this didn't matter much. I can survive on cuddles alone.Prrrr
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Cruising with Character
In my other picture, I am with Lilo and Stitch. Stitch was also very good and gentle but I was glad Lilo didn't let go of me. I had seen Stitch playing around with some of his other visitors.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
DVC Gift

Thursday, 25 August 2011
Different Things

Wednesday, 24 August 2011
All Aboard